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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Its the time of the year for forgiveness

Forgiveness is a funny thing, something to be earned and not given to on a silver platter. I do ask that you at least have enough respect for me to talk this through. Its the least that i deserve. I dont care if you never wanna speak to me again, or even push me off a bridge (please dont, that might hurt in the morning) Im just asking that you at least hear me out???? I understand that much was said between the bicker we had, and over a stupid menu. I truley am sorry that you felt discluded, because i know that if the roles were reversed, i would be upset as well. But when you told me that i was the meanest person you had ever met?? And than said that i wouldnt have any friends because of it, and than demanded an apology for me?? I just didnt think that was right in an circumstance. may think that i have had it easy all my life, but i really havent. Ive been through some serious stuff that i shouldnt even have to go through and yet i did, and when i told you that, since you told me i was the meanest person, i instantly put up a wall, its what i have been doing my entire life at the first sign of hurt. Its merely a defense, you gotta keep your self from being hurt some way right? Well, how i did it may have come off inappropriate for the situation and im sorry for that, but i wouldnt change it because my decisions and how i react to things, make me who i am today and who i will always be as a person. When i said that you could be that person again, it was me making sure that nothing could happen again because nobody enjoys being hurt, even you. So although you may not have done the same thing that i did, you havent gone through what i have had to, to have the reactions that i have. And we arent the same person, but thats obvious. Im not saying that i think we should forgive each other right off the bat, because to me thats just stupid and is gonna be the reason for another fight, but im saying at least lets try to come to a resolution  and move on past this, and try to become friends again in the future? Besides i have nothing against you, i never have and i never will. My mom says that one of my flaws is that i judge too quickly and forgive too easily. But i dont see that as a flaw. I only forgive people who deserve it, and im hoping you do the same and see that i truley am sorry, and that my mistakes make me human, not a bad person. And im not the meanest person in the world, i simply do what i think is right at the time and what will help me benefit in the future, as im sure you do the same. AND because just saying, i dont think you are that old to have met EVERY SINGLE person on the world......................unless your not telling me something??? Who knows maybe you dont age or your like YODA enhanced??? Anyway, its gonna be the new year in a few days and i really would prefer to start it off with a new beginning, with everything, and my biggest problem, was the hurt and saddness from the fight we had. Now you dont have to forgive me or even understand, because you can never truly understand someone until you put yourself in their shoes, but i am asking that you try to start off with a fresh note in a new year with me. What do you say?